Psychosocial Thinkers Core Values
Inclusivity & Collectivity
- We create time and space for thought and inclusive conversation, which sometimes may feel uncomfortable. Collective learning and growth are our tools of resistance to toxic social and political environments and our means of understanding how norms and regulations affect us, both on an individual and social level. We collectively support and hold each other, allowing us to be comfortably uncomfortable.
Critical Thinking
- We encourage questioning through critical thinking on different psychosocial topics and issues especially with regards to race, class, history, social structures, mental health, gender, sexuality, age and disability. We are open to challenge the views and opinions of ourselves and others whilst being respectful and non-judgmental to people’s lived experiences.
Diversity & Equality
- We value our differences and learn from our diverse personal experiences. We encourage all people to speak and listen; we respect all people from all walks of life. We do not tolerate and actively work against discrimination in all its forms, including based on age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, race, class, religion, spirituality.
- We live by the values of the organisation to encourage personal growth, in ourselves and in others. This provides a firm foundation on which – individually and collectively – we are equipped to challenge, with authenticity, toxic behaviours and structures.
- We strive to empower those who share our vision and our values, allowing their voices to be heard, and promoting a secure environment in which to develop oneself. We provide our members, and others, with a platform, tools and support to be able to recognise their agency – within the organisation and within their own communities.